The Third what? Are we talking about Ender? Nope, Saints Row: The Third! Let me tell you, if you haven't played this game yet and are a fan of GTA style games, you should definitely check it out. It takes a much more light-hearted approach though. The opening sequence will leave you going, "What the $%#@!" but in the best way possible. The game adds a certain level of hilarity to the genre but still is able to maintain enjoyability. Just wait for the first time you hijack a car and make sure you are running towards the car.
For those Gold Members who have played the game, this Deal of the Week may interest you. Microsoft has three DLC packets available for half off. Volition tried even harder to make the game crazier with these DLCs. Gangstas in Space anyone?
- DLC - Saints Row: The Third - Genkibowl VII 280
560Microsoft Points - DLC - Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas in Space 280
560Microsoft Points - DLC - Saints Row: The Third - The Trouble With Clones 280
560Microsoft Points